NOX Reduction

25% - 50%

CO2 Reduction

15% - 30%


We are not just talking -
we have got it!

Optemission is the transitional technology to enable the governmentally mandated emission reduced Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) – without having to replace the vehicles / power-generators. To achieve this Optemission has developed a groundbreaking solution for the combustion of hydrocarbon-fuels, that has been patented worldwide. No change to the existing ICE – Minimal additions to the overall system. Targeting the aftermarket covering the installed ICE global base.


Scientifically proven, well-founded and patented

A hydrolysis cell (12V / 24V / 48V), when at low pressure generates an energized Brown’s gas (Oxyhydrogen gas).


Additive Gas

Using the on-board power, the cell produces the required amount of Brown's gas, which is added to the air intake of the motor.

Combustion Process

The gas is reacting with the air-fuel mixture, as a result improving the combustion process. The stoichiometric ratio of the fuel's combustion process is not manipulated - no harm can and will be induced into the powertrain.


It adjusts the amount of fuel the motor henceforth requires to run at the previous performance, while maintaining an appropriate air-fuel-gas mixture.


Explore Our Technology

  • Desirability vs. Practicability

  • Our

  • Optemission-System

  • Significant & Global Markets

Desirability vs. Practicability

Governments pass strict environmental laws to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. The automotive and energy intensive industries are having trouble achieving these targets. Despite billions, that have been invested into mobility- and logistics- and energy-technologies, there is still no cost-efficient solution to make combustion engines eco-friendly.

    Available infrastructure does not allow for a direct one to one transition to the politically favored battery-electric vehicles. Independent of the economic factors, the number of in use combustion engines can not be replaced in a short enough period of time.

Innovating the ICE from the outside

  • We offer a flexible solution for all usecases for the ICE.
  • Whether the motor is stationary or mobile, we offer a solution for any scenario.
  • Keeping your ICE in operation whilst helping us meet our climate goals, bridging the gap to new technologies.
  • easing the transition by giving product manufacturers time to keep up with the demand for a brighter future.

Our Technology

Showcasing the G-Cell

  • At the center of Optemission lies the G-Cell our hydrolysis unit.
  • Using either 12V, 24V, or 48V of power it comes in a variety of configurations to meet the engine's demands.
  • Whether using a single G-Cell in a truck or an array for large generator adaptability is one of its core features.
  • Depending on the use case we focus on reliability and fail-safety or cost-efficiency, while always keeping both in mind.
  • The G-Cell monitors its temperature and fluid fill level to stay in optimal working conditions.

Employable in all relevant use cases of combustion engines.

As our primary target markets we are aiming for:

  • As initial main world markets the trucking- and electric-generator – market were identified.
  • The heavy-duty commercial vehicles are only 11 % of the worlds motor vehicles but are responsible for nearly 50% of the CO2 emissions and nearly 75% of the particle emissions.
  • Regarding stationary power generators, for the market entry we have identified that the use cases of energy providing, and desalination plants are especially viable. This is the case because the systems are being operated at a constant optimal state resulting in a maximum benefit for the client.
  • Further addressable markets include: Trains, Vessels and all Engines running on hydrocarbon fuels


We reduce emissions
by 25+%

The addition of the hydrogen gas (HOH) as an additive to the air-fuel mixture improves combustibility. Adding the gas increases "flame velocity", flame stability and reduces the combustion temperature, without risking the stability or safety of the combustion engine.

As a result, the toxic emissions are reduced, and overall system efficiency is improved.

  • Q.NOX

    Reducing NOX emissions by 25%- 50% depending on usecase and type of usage.

  • Q.CO2

    Reducing CO2 emissions by 15% - 30% depending on usecase and type of usage.

  • Q.Particles

    Reducing Particles emissions by >20% depending on usecase and type of usage.

  • Q.Fuel Consumption

    Reduced Fuel consumption by 15% - 35%.


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